DIALOG 1 Alysa: Do you know Andy? Aqila : Sure,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari lisssaalala pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

DIALOG 1Alysa: Do you know Andy?
Aqila : Sure, he is my classmate, I study with him. Why?
Alysa : Mr. Iwan wants my class to see his presentation slides. Mr. Iwan thinks the slides are good. My group has to make similar slides for our presentation on Friday, November the 13th
Aqila: I have his phone number. Call him! Alysa: Ok, thanks! By the way, when is the schedule for the presentation in your class?
Aqila: It is on the 12th next week, on Thursday.
Alysa: Oh, your class is going first. My class is on Friday​
DIALOG 1 Alysa: Do you know Andy? Aqila : Sure, he is my classmate, I study with him. Why? Alysa : Mr. Iwan wants my class to see his presentation slides. Mr. Iwan thinks the slides are good. My group has to make similar slides for our presentation on Friday, November the 13th Aqila: I have his phone number. Call him! Alysa: Ok, thanks! By the way, when is the schedule for the presentation in your class? Aqila: It is on the 12th next week, on Thursday. Alysa: Oh, your class is going first. My class is on Friday​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Last Update: Thu, 10 Feb 22