I had ............. cups of coffee yesterdayI can't drink my

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari tupangsibaga9 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

I had ............. cups of coffee yesterdayI can't drink my coffee. It's ___________ hot. The coffee is ___________ hot for me __________ drink.

I can't study. The music is _________ loud.

An elephant is ____________ big. A mouse is ____________ small.

I can't eat this food because it's __________ salty.

I lost your dictionary. I'm __________ sorry. I'll buy you a new one.

I talked ____________ Jim. Jane wants ____________ talk ____________ Jim _________.

I walked _______________ school today. Alex walked _____________ school today __________.

I'm going ____________ take the bus _______________school tomorrow

I'm going ____________ take the bus _______________school tomorrow

Amanda doesn't like her room in the dorm. She thinks it's ___________ small

The weather is ___________ cold for us _____________ go ___________ the beach.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


I had a cups of coffee yesterday

I can't drink my coffee. It's really hot. The coffee is too hot for me to drink.

I can't study. The music is too loud.

An elephant is very big. A mouse is very small.

I can't eat this food because it's too salty.

I lost your dictionary. I'm really sorry. I'll buy you a new one.

I talked to Jim. Jane wants to talk with Jim too.

I walked to school today. Alex walked to school today too.

I'm going to take the bus to school tomorrow

I'm going to take the bus to school tomorrow

Amanda doesn't like her room in the dorm. She thinks it's too small

The weather is really cold for us to go to the beach.


semoga membantu

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Last Update: Thu, 08 Jul 21