change Assisement tugasChange the active voice below into =

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari tatasatrin pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Change Assisement tugasChange the active voice below into passive
Voice = the teacher writes a novel
2.activeShe makes a cahar Cahir
3.octive= last night xena wached a horor anemo
& active=Xena bought a new car
Passive -
tolong bantuk kak

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. A novel is written by the teacher

2. A chair is made by her

3. Last night, a horror anemo was watched by Xena

4. A new car was bought by Xena


Passive Voice

{\red{✦}} Present Tense

( Is, am, are (to-be) + Verb-3 )

Contoh :

  • Active = My mother cooks fish every week
  • Passive = Fish is cooked by my mother every week

{\red{✦}} Past Tense

( Was, were + Verb-3 )

Contoh :

  • Active = He bought a shirt yesterday
  • Passive = Shirt was bought by him yesterday


1. Active = The teacher writes a novel → (Present Tense)

Passive = A novel is written by the teacher

2. Active = She makes a chair → (Present Tense)

Passive = A chair is made by her

3. Active = Last night, Xena watched a horor anemo → (Past Tense)

Passive = Last night, a horror anemo was watched by Xena

4. Active = Xena bought a new car → (Past Tense)

Passive = A new car was bought by Xena


Detail Jawaban:

  • Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
  • Kelas : XI (11 SMA)
  • Materi : Bab 8 - Passive Voice
  • Kata kunci : passive voice present tense, passive voice past tense
  • Kode soal : 5
  • Kode kategorisasi : 11.5.8

{\color{orchid}{✎Selamat \ belajar :)}}

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Last Update: Sat, 31 Jul 21