task 1Read the dialog and then state T for true

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nisaasaragih pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Task 1Read the dialog and then state T for true statements and F for false statements based on the dialogue below!

The receptionist: Good morning madam, welcome to our hotel,may I help you?

Brenda: good morning,I would like to check in.

the receptionist: how much space do you want to order madam?

Brenda:I'd like a single room for one person.

the receptionist: how many days do you wanna stay madam?

Brenda: for four days because I have a business in this city.

the receptionist: just wait a minute, madam.I will check out our rooms. I hope there is a room left for you madam.

Brenda: it's ok. don't mind it,I hope there is a room in this hotel for me.

the receptionist: sorry madam to make you wait.We still have the room left for you madam. We have various class in our hotel as standard, superior, deluxe, and suites. Which one do you want?

Brenda: before choosing the class,I would like to know about the price of each class a night.

the receptionist: standard room is 90$/night, superior room is 200$/night, deluxe room is 280/night, and suit room is 400$/night.

Brenda:I see,I will choose standard room.

the receptionist: total is 360$ for four days.

Brenda:oke, I will pay by credit card.

pliss dijawab y kk,,nulis nya pegel bgt:)

task 1Read the dialog and then state T for true statements and F for false statements based on the dialogue below!The receptionist: Good morning madam, welcome to our hotel,may I help you?Brenda: good morning,I would like to check in.the receptionist: how much space do you want to order madam?Brenda:I'd like a single room for one person.the receptionist: how many days do you wanna stay madam?Brenda: for four days because I have a business in this city.the receptionist: just wait a minute, madam.I will check out our rooms. I hope there is a room left for you madam.Brenda: it's ok. don't mind it,I hope there is a room in this hotel for me.the receptionist: sorry madam to make you wait.We still have the room left for you madam. We have various class in our hotel as standard, superior, deluxe, and suites. Which one do you want?Brenda: before choosing the class,I would like to know about the price of each class a night.the receptionist: standard room is 90$/night, superior room is 200$/night, deluxe room is 280/night, and suit room is 400$/night.Brenda:I see,I will choose standard room.the receptionist: total is 360$ for four days.Brenda:oke, I will pay by credit card.pliss dijawab y kk,,nulis nya pegel bgt:)​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. False 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. False


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Last Update: Mon, 22 Nov 21