TOLONG BANTUANNYA YA:)Make passive sentence!!! 1. He cleans his

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari armitare pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

TOLONG BANTUANNYA YA:)Make passive sentence!!!

1. He cleans his fathers room
2. Rudy rides my bicycle
3. She does her homework
4. The police arrest three men
5. Margareth studies the mathematic
6. The thieves broke the door
7. Somebody wrote the letter
8. My uncle drank a glass of coffe
9. My mother Will cook a chicken
10. She Will buy a new car
11. John Will give you a new dress
12. her brothers have invited Alice
13. George has sung the song beautifully
14. My father may sell the apartement
15. He must write a letter​
TOLONG BANTUANNYA YA:)Make passive sentence!!! 1. He cleans his fathers room 2. Rudy rides my bicycle 3. She does her homework 4. The police arrest three men 5. Margareth studies the mathematic 6. The thieves broke the door 7. Somebody wrote the letter 8. My uncle drank a glass of coffe 9. My mother Will cook a chicken 10. She Will buy a new car 11. John Will give you a new dress 12. her brothers have invited Alice 13. George has sung the song beautifully 14. My father may sell the apartement 15. He must write a letter​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

15. A letter must be written by him15. A letter must be written by him

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Last Update: Mon, 17 Jan 22