11.fiil in the blank with the correct answertext for questions

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dayuwandira07 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

11.fiil in the blank with the correct answertext for questions 1-4.
kuda bisik game are folk games .this people's game comes from jakarta usually this game is done in the afternoon or no the fuil moon night. how to play kuda bisik ? in this game ,there are two groups with one referee.
- first ,whisper a word to a person next to you
-second , he has to say the words he heard to the second persen
- finally ,the person has to say loaudly what he heard
1. what is the title of the text above?
2.how many steaps this game ?
3.how the play kuda bisik game ?
4.what should you do after whisper a word?
5. complete the ordinal number ?
nineteenth, ,twenty first,thirteenth,

tolong bantu jawab ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. kuda bisik game

2. 3 steps

3. in this game ,there are two groups with one referee.

- first ,whisper a word to a person next to you

-second , he has to say the words he heard to the second persen

- finally ,the person has to say loaudly what he heard

4. he has to say the words he heard to the second persen

5. -


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Last Update: Thu, 24 Feb 22