This text is for question 28 and 29 : Giraffes live

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fadhilazkaramadhanf pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

This text is for question 28 and 29 :Giraffes live in Africa. All giraffes have patterns on their fur and each giraffe is different.

They are very tall with long necks. They can reach high up in the trees for flowers and leaves to eat. A big male giraffe can reach almost 6 meters.

They use their long tongues to get their food. They can eat sharp prickles. They eat all day and chew their food for a long time.

What is the correct statement based on the text?

Giraffes chew food for a long time
Giraffes live in Antartica.
Girrafe can live almost 6 years.
Giraffes have short necks.

“They are very tall with long necks.” The word “They” in the sentence above refers to ...

Flowers and leaves

All giraffes



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Last Update: Fri, 27 May 22