Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari gendissafitri12 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar
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English Language:
Prophet Ibrahim grew and grew up in the land of Iraq. Born to a family of craftsmen in making reliable wooden statue of the patron society for Iraq, Ibrahim matter often helps parents make a sculpture.
Prophet Ibrahim grew and grew up in the land of Iraq. Born to a family of craftsmen in making reliable wooden statue of the patron society for Iraq, Ibrahim matter often helps parents make a sculpture.Although he likes to help his father carved the sculpture, it is said that Ibrahim was always at odds with his public confidence that often worshiped idols.
Once adult, one day I was so not liked by the behaviour of the community around his home, quietly Prophet Ibrahim US sneak into houses of worship House of polytheists that while destroying all idols in it. But one of the most massive statue will stay at the Prophet Ibrahim.
Find a House of worship and beliefs undermined, the polytheists pointed the Prophet Ibrahim as the culprit. Be advised during this figure of Prophet Ibrahim is the most opposed to the worship of his way.
"What are you doing (deed) is against our gods, o Abraham?” asked the House of the Prophet Ibrahim.
What are you doing (deed) is against our gods, o Abraham?” asked the House of the Prophet Ibrahim.“The actual sculpture (large) it did so, then ask them, if they can speak,” replied the Prophet Ibrahim. (Qs Al anbiya [21]: 62-63 as abstracted from the book history of the Kabah, “the story of the Holy House that can’t be eaten rotten times, the work of Ali Al-Husni Kharbuthi thing-27.
Heard that answer, the worshippers of idols is furious and punishes US by Prophet Abraham and burned in a bonfire.
Heard that answer, the worshippers of idols is furious and punishes US by Prophet Abraham and burned in a bonfire.But thanks to the miracle of Allah SWT, the heat in the bonfires that turned into a cold so the Prophet Ibrahim was spared. After that, the Prophet Ibrahim flee to Palestine with his wife, Sarah.
Indonesian Language:
Nabi Ibrahim AS tumbuh dan besar di negeri Irak. Lahir dari keluarga pengrajin kayu yang handal dalam membuat patung untuk sesembahan masyarakat Irak, Ibrahim pun kerap membantu orangtuanya membuat patung.
Meski suka membantu sang ayah mengukir patung, konon Ibrahim selalu bertentangan dengan kepercayaan masyarakat tempat tinggalnya yang kerap menyembah patung berhala.
Setelah dewasa, suatu hari saking tidak sukanya dengan tingkah laku masyarakat di sekitar tempat tinggalnya, diam-diam Nabi Ibrahim AS menyelinap ke dalam rumah ibadah kaum musyrik itu sembari menghancurkan semua patung berhala yang ada di dalamnya. Kecuali satu patung paling besar yang disisakan Nabi Ibrahim.
Mendapati rumah ibadah dan kepercayaannya dirusak, kaum musyrik itu menuding Nabi Ibrahim AS sebagai pelakunya. Maklum selama ini sosok Nabi Ibrahim adalah orang yang paling menentang cara beribadah kaumnya.
"Apakah engkau yang melakukan (perbuatan) ini terhadap Tuhan-Tuhan kami, wahai Ibrahim?” tanya kaum itu kepada Nabi Ibrahim.
"Sebenarnya patung (besar) itu yang melakukannya, maka tanyakannlah pada mereka, jika mereka dapat berbicara,” jawab Nabi Ibrahim AS. (Qs Al anbiya [21]: 62-63 seperti disarikan dari buku Sejarah Kabah “Kisah rumah suci yang tak lapuk dimakan zaman, karya Ali Husni Al-Kharbuthi hal-27.
Mendengar jawaban itu, para penyembah berhala itu geram dan menghukum Nabi Ibrahim AS dengan membakarnya dalam api unggun yang besar.
Namun berkat mukjizat Allah SWT, panas dalam api unggun itu berubah menjadi dingin sehingga Nabi Ibrahim terselamatkan. Setelah itu, Nabi Ibrahim AS pergi menyelamatkan diri ke Palestina bersama istrinya, Sarah.

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Last Update: Fri, 08 Jul 22