and the regional governments areas are provinces districts, and villages.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari westinningsih pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

and the regional governments areas are provinces districts, and villages. In USA for example, the system of government areas from central gove to regional government is different for ours. They includes: united state as government area, and the regional government areas are: states, districts an There are neither sub-districts nor villages. In some states there, district is county. In USA is simpler than ours. STEP 2 Write the correct pronunciation of the words! PR Tulislah pengucapan yang tepat kata-kata berikut! sty beatenedchongoz. provinces Example: city : siti state municipality : example regional some 6. 7. 8. country 9. simpler 10. there ting Test (KD 3.9)​
and the regional governments areas are provinces districts, and villages. In USA for example, the system of government areas from central gove to regional government is different for ours. They includes: united state as government area, and the regional government areas are: states, districts an There are neither sub-districts nor villages. In some states there, district is county. In USA is simpler than ours. STEP 2 Write the correct pronunciation of the words! PR Tulislah pengucapan yang tepat kata-kata berikut! sty beatenedchongoz. provinces Example: city : siti state municipality : example regional some 6. 7. 8. country 9. simpler 10. there ting Test (KD 3.9)​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.negara bagian.2 kotamadya.3 contoh.4 regional.5beberapa.6pusat.7provinsi.8negara.9sederhana.10 ada

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Last Update: Tue, 03 May 22