kegiatan saat musim hujan dlm bahasa inggris dan artinya​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari zahraapril1704 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Kegiatan saat musim hujan dlm bahasa inggris dan artinya​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  • Meditation. Meditation is a method of calming yourself down. ...
  • Meditation. Meditation is a method of calming yourself down. ...Reading books. The most fun is reading your favorite book by the window with the sound of raindrops in the background. ...
  • Meditation. Meditation is a method of calming yourself down. ...Reading books. The most fun is reading your favorite book by the window with the sound of raindrops in the background. ...Watching movies. Take out a list of movies you want to watch. ...
  • Meditation. Meditation is a method of calming yourself down. ...Reading books. The most fun is reading your favorite book by the window with the sound of raindrops in the background. ...Watching movies. Take out a list of movies you want to watch. ...Listen to songs and sing. ...
  • Meditation. Meditation is a method of calming yourself down. ...Reading books. The most fun is reading your favorite book by the window with the sound of raindrops in the background. ...Watching movies. Take out a list of movies you want to watch. ...Listen to songs and sing. ...Cook. ...
  • Meditation. Meditation is a method of calming yourself down. ...Reading books. The most fun is reading your favorite book by the window with the sound of raindrops in the background. ...Watching movies. Take out a list of movies you want to watch. ...Listen to songs and sing. ...Cook. ...Work. ...
  • Meditation. Meditation is a method of calming yourself down. ...Reading books. The most fun is reading your favorite book by the window with the sound of raindrops in the background. ...Watching movies. Take out a list of movies you want to watch. ...Listen to songs and sing. ...Cook. ...Work. ...Learn. ...

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Last Update: Sat, 16 Apr 22