A : S + was/were + V+ing + 0 +

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ardian1977bkl pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

A : S + was/were + V+ing + 0 + AdvP : S + was/were + being + V 3+ by + 0 + Adv
Example: Past Continuous Tense
A · The teacher was explaining the lesson in the classroom when the headmaster came
Р : The lesson was being explained by the teacher in the classroom when the headmaster came
16. A : My mother was reading a newspaper in the kitchen when the rain fell
P :
17. A : She was writing a novel in the living room when the window broke
P :
18. A : He was making two kites in the yard when I came
P :
19. A : My uncle was eating meat balls in 'Arema' inn when I arrived
Р :
20. A : They were studying English when the rain fell

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

16. A : My mother was reading a newspaper in the kitchen when the rain fell

P : A newspaper was being read by my mother in the kitchen when the rain fell

17. A : She was writing a novel in the living room when the window broke

P : A novel was being written by her in the living room when the window broke

18. A : He was making two kites in the yard when I came

P : Two kites werebeing made by him in the yard when I came

19. A : My uncle was eating meat balls in 'Arema' inn when I arrived

Р : Meatballs were being eaten by my uncle in 'Arema' inn when I arrived

20. A : They were studying English when the rain fell

P: English was being studied by them when the rain fell

Jadikan jawaban terbaikmu :)

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh natalia22611 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Thu, 26 May 22