21. Charlie : What is Mr. Lee going to do

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari apstebbins1842057 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

21. Charlie : What is Mr. Lee going to do this Christmas? Boni : … *4 points
A. She is going to buy a new Christmas tree.
B. He is going to buy a new Christmas tree.
C. He buys a new Christmas tree.
D. He bought a new Christmas tree.
22. Dani : When are you going to have a family gathering? Lisa : … . *
4 points
A. She is going to have a family gathering on the first of January.
B. You are going to have a family gathering on the thirty first of January.
C. He is going to have a family gathering on the thirtieth of December.
D. I am going to have a family gathering on the thirty first of December.
23. Rearrange these words to make a good sentence.going – Teacher’s- give – we – on - Day – are – to – cards – teachers – our - to *
4 points
A. Are we going to celebrate Teacher’s day in November.
B. We going are to celebrate teacher’s Day in November.
C. We are going to in November celebrate Teacher’s Day.
D. We are going to give cards to our teachers on Teacher’s Day.
24. Rearrange these words to make a good sentence. grandma – we – our – of – the ninth – are – April – on – going to - visit *
4 points
A. We are going to our grandma visit on the ninth of April.
B. We are visit our grandma going to on the ninth of April.
C. We are going to visit our grandma on the ninth of April.
D. Visit our grandma we are going to on the ninth of April.
25. Rearrange these words to make a good sentence. they – Valentine’s – going – ? – are – Day – share – to – chocolate - on *
4 points
A. They are going to share chocolate on Valentine’s Day?
B. They are going to share Valentine’s on chocolate Day?
C. Are they going to share chocolate on Valentine’s Day?
D. On Valentine’s Day they are going to share chocolate?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


21. Charlie : What is Mr. Lee going to do this Christmas? Boni : …

A. She is going to buy a new Christmas tree.

B. He is going to buy a new Christmas tree.

C. He buys a new Christmas tree.

D. He bought a new Christmas tree.

22. Dani : When are you going to have a family gathering? Lisa : …

A. She is going to have a family gathering on the first of January.

B. You are going to have a family gathering on the thirty first of January.

C. He is going to have a family gathering on the thirtieth of December.

D. I am going to have a family gathering on the thirty first of December.

23. Rearrange these words to make a good sentence. going – Teacher’s- give – we – on - Day – are – to – cards – teachers – our - to

A. Are we going to celebrate Teacher’s day in November.

B. We going are to celebrate teacher’s Day in November.

C. We are going to in November celebrate Teacher’s Day.

D. We are going to give cards to our teachers on Teacher’s Day.

24. Rearrange these words to make a good sentence. grandma – we – our – of – the ninth – are – April – on – going to - visit

A. We are going to our grandma visit on the ninth of April.

B. We are visit our grandma going to on the ninth of April.

C. We are going to visit our grandma on the ninth of April.

D. Visit our grandma we are going to on the ninth of April.

25. Rearrange these words to make a good sentence. they – Valentine’s – going – ? – are – Day – share – to – chocolate - on

A. They are going to share chocolate on Valentine’s Day?

B. They are going to share Valentine’s on chocolate Day?

C. Are they going to share chocolate on Valentine’s Day?

D. On Valentine’s Day they are going to share chocolate?

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh Kalindaanabelleputri dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Tue, 14 Jun 22