buat prosedur teks makanan yang mudah dan sederhanaHW: 1. find

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari slvnpasaribu pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Buat prosedur teks makanan yang mudah dan sederhanaHW: 1. find out prosedur teks
2. write down:the aim/goal
: the ingredients/
: steps
1.Hello friends
2.Now i want to tell you
how to make .........
3.To make we need......

4.And the step are ;

Yang benar aku follow
Jawaban jangan ngasal​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Hello Friends,

Now I Want To Make CornDog Mayonaise

To Make It We Need :


Material:- 4 sausages, cut into pieces

Material:- 4 sausages, cut into pieces- Mozzarella cheese, cut into sausage-sized pieces

Material:- 4 sausages, cut into pieces- Mozzarella cheese, cut into sausage-sized pieces- Skewer to taste

Material:- 4 sausages, cut into pieces- Mozzarella cheese, cut into sausage-sized pieces- Skewer to taste- Bread flour to taste

Material:- 4 sausages, cut into pieces- Mozzarella cheese, cut into sausage-sized pieces- Skewer to taste- Bread flour to taste- A lot of cooking oil for frying

Material:- 4 sausages, cut into pieces- Mozzarella cheese, cut into sausage-sized pieces- Skewer to taste- Bread flour to taste- A lot of cooking oil for frying- Chili sauce and mayonnaise for dipping

Material:- 4 sausages, cut into pieces- Mozzarella cheese, cut into sausage-sized pieces- Skewer to taste- Bread flour to taste- A lot of cooking oil for frying- Chili sauce and mayonnaise for dippingDyeing Material:

Material:- 4 sausages, cut into pieces- Mozzarella cheese, cut into sausage-sized pieces- Skewer to taste- Bread flour to taste- A lot of cooking oil for frying- Chili sauce and mayonnaise for dippingDyeing Material:- 250 gr wheat flour

Material:- 4 sausages, cut into pieces- Mozzarella cheese, cut into sausage-sized pieces- Skewer to taste- Bread flour to taste- A lot of cooking oil for frying- Chili sauce and mayonnaise for dippingDyeing Material:- 250 gr wheat flour- 2 tsp baking powder

Material:- 4 sausages, cut into pieces- Mozzarella cheese, cut into sausage-sized pieces- Skewer to taste- Bread flour to taste- A lot of cooking oil for frying- Chili sauce and mayonnaise for dippingDyeing Material:- 250 gr wheat flour- 2 tsp baking powder- 1/2 tsp salt

Material:- 4 sausages, cut into pieces- Mozzarella cheese, cut into sausage-sized pieces- Skewer to taste- Bread flour to taste- A lot of cooking oil for frying- Chili sauce and mayonnaise for dippingDyeing Material:- 250 gr wheat flour- 2 tsp baking powder- 1/2 tsp salt- 1 tbsp sugar

Material:- 4 sausages, cut into pieces- Mozzarella cheese, cut into sausage-sized pieces- Skewer to taste- Bread flour to taste- A lot of cooking oil for frying- Chili sauce and mayonnaise for dippingDyeing Material:- 250 gr wheat flour- 2 tsp baking powder- 1/2 tsp salt- 1 tbsp sugar- 1 egg

Material:- 4 sausages, cut into pieces- Mozzarella cheese, cut into sausage-sized pieces- Skewer to taste- Bread flour to taste- A lot of cooking oil for frying- Chili sauce and mayonnaise for dippingDyeing Material:- 250 gr wheat flour- 2 tsp baking powder- 1/2 tsp salt- 1 tbsp sugar- 1 egg- 190-210 liquid milk

And The Step are :

:1. Skewer the sausage with mozzarella cheese alternately until it forms like a satay. Set aside.

:1. Skewer the sausage with mozzarella cheese alternately until it forms like a satay. Set aside.2. Coat the cheese sausage satay in flour. Set aside.

:1. Skewer the sausage with mozzarella cheese alternately until it forms like a satay. Set aside.2. Coat the cheese sausage satay in flour. Set aside.3. Mix all the ingredients for the dip and stir until it becomes a thick dough.

:1. Skewer the sausage with mozzarella cheese alternately until it forms like a satay. Set aside.2. Coat the cheese sausage satay in flour. Set aside.3. Mix all the ingredients for the dip and stir until it becomes a thick dough.4. Dip the cheese sausage satay into the batter and then roll it on the breadcrumbs. Fry in hot oil until cooked e. Serve with chili sauce and mayonnaise


Semoga Bisa Membantu !

Jadikan Jawaban Terbaik !!

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Last Update: Mon, 05 Dec 22