Dogs and cats should never be permitted to eat chocolate,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Tatsumijaa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Dogs and cats should never be permitted to eat chocolate, because chocolate works like a poison in their bodies. Chocolate contains a chemical called theobromine, which is similar to caffeine. Human bodies are able to process the theobromine without any ill side effects, but dogs and cats cannot.Different types of chocolate contain different amounts of theobromine. It would take 20 ounces of milk chocolate to kill a 20-pound dog, but only two ounces of baker’s chocolate or six ounces of semi sweet chocolate. The amounts, of course, are much smaller for a cat, whose body weight is typically less than that of a dog.
Most cats are not naturally attracted to eating chocolate, but many dogs are. Dogs by nature will sample nearly anything that they see their masters eating, so pet owners must take care to keep all chocolate products well out of reach of their dogs and cats

How much milk chocolate would be poisonous to a cat, according to the passage?
A.substantially less than 20 ounces
B.approximately one pound
C.substantially more than 20 ounces
D.half a Hershey bar

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The passage states that 20 ounces of milk chocolate can kill a 20-pound dog; it also states that cats can be harmed by smaller amounts than dogs. Therefore, a cat could be poisoned by less than 20 ounces of milk chocolate.

Hopefuly this answer could be helpful for you

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Last Update: Thu, 17 Nov 22