then identify the expression! Farah : "Good afternoon, friend!" Tama

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari daffaafriandi76 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Then identify the expression! Farah : "Good afternoon, friend!" Tama Farah Tark Tama Farah Tama Farah Tama : "Good afternoon. Farah. I am sorry. OK, here it is." Tama : "Thanks, Farah. Why are you thrilled?" Farah : "Don't you know, today is my birthday." Tama : "Really? Oh, happy birthday." Farah : "Yeah, thank you. Would you mind coming to my birthday party tonight?" Oh, I'd love to come. Where will the party be held?" Tama Farah "At Buena's cafe at 8 p.m." Tama Farah 3 R 1 : "Okay. Whom will you invite?" S I invite my classmates and some friends from our piano course, Zola and Bruno." Please, bring that book to me!" : "Haha. Yeah, I hope they will come to your birthday party. By the way, would you mind if I come to your party with my sister?" How well have you read? No. 1. 2. Etc. Sure, go ahead. It would be nice if you can go together with your sister." : "Maybe I'll ask her later." : "Okay, see you at my party, buddy!" "Yeah, wish your party would be great and fun. See you!"Expressions in the Text

Kind of the Expression​

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Last Update: Sun, 04 Dec 22