1. What is the text about? *a. The writer's teacherb.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ketutbagusdanendra pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

1. What is the text about? *a. The writer's teacher
b. The writer's aunt
c. Isma's aunt
d. Isma's friend
2. Which sentence is the "identification"? *
a. Today my aunt comes to visit our house.
b. Today my aunt comes to visit our house. She’s my only aunt. Her name is Isma.
c. My aunt is a Science teacher in Junior High School.
d. She never gets angry with her students. She is the best person.
3. The second paragraph mainly describes ........... *
a. The writer relationship with Isma
b. Isma's family
c. Isma's personality
d. Isma's physical appearance
4. How does Isma look like? *
a. She’s my only aunt.
b. Her students like her so much because she is kind and friendly.
c. She is tall and beautiful.
d. She visits the writer's house.
5. Beautiful has the same meaning with these words, EXCEPT ... *
a. interested
b. pretty
c. good loking
d. gorgeous

bantu pliss sekarang mah di kumpul dan jgn ngawur ya saya kasi poin tinggi​
1. What is the text about? *a. The writer's teacherb. The writer's auntc. Isma's auntd. Isma's friend2. Which sentence is the

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. B. The writer's aunt

2. B. Today my aunt comes to visit our house. She’s my only aunt. Her name is Isma.

3. D. Isma's physical appearance

4. C. She is tall and beautiful.

5. A. interested


Jawaban dicetak tebal berdasarkan bacaan dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Reading Comprehension (pemahaman bacaan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

1. B. karena orang yang diceritakan dalam teks adalah tantenya penulis

2. B. karena identifikasi / pengenalan tantenya penulis yg bernama Isma

3. D. karena paragraf ke-2 menceritakan ciri fisik Isma

4. C. karena Isma posturnya tinggi dan Cantik

5. A. karena kecuali pilihan A. semua sinonim dari kata Beautiful (Cantik)

Semoga membantu ya.

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Last Update: Wed, 25 May 22