tolong bantu jawab ya plissThis is a folktale from Bengkulu,

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Tolong bantu jawab ya plissThis is a folktale from Bengkulu, a province in Indonesia, located on the west coast of Sumatera island. People of Bengkulu believe, while crossing Lake Tes, they could not talk . (1). It can make -- (2) of the Lake Test, the powerful 7-headed snake, angry. It said that, the King of Kutei Rukam, . Pelure Legend of Seven Headed Snake (3) his son and his future wife, before their wedding day. The (4) time they both were in the Lake Tes. The . (5) family upset. They believe the couple were kidnapped by Raja Ular, the famous . (6) of snake that's cunning, ruthless and likes annoying people who were bathing in the lake. The King's youngest son named Gajah Merik was also furious. He asked his father . (7) to find his brother and promised to defeat Raja Ular. Although only 13 vears old, Gajah Merik was very powerful. He could walk on water and his . (8) could turn into a sword. He fought Raja Ular in the bottom of the lake for five days five nights. He (9) the snake guards in each of six doors before encountering Raja Ular in the seventh door. The king of serpent was knocked down, and . (10) freed the roval bride and groom. The King of Kutei Rukam was very happy and so proud of his youngest son. Se bu decided to hand the .(11) over him. Gajah Merik agreed to ... (12) his father de nert king with one condition: Kaja Ular the kirig of snake and his ... (13) appointed....(14)of the kingdom and..(15)the lake unting the end of time​

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awas enol aowkaowka hahahaa

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Last Update: Mon, 30 May 22