There is a new park in my town. It is

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Cheeeee13 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

There is a new park in my town. It is clean and comfortable. My family likes spending time at the park in the afternoon. There is a fountain in the pond. There are playground, path, flowers, trees, green grass, birds, deers, rabbits, butterflies, and others. My sister and other children like playing in the playground. There are swings, a sandbox, monkey bar, slide, and see-saw. Parents sit on the bench under the trees near the playground and watch their children playing. I see people jogging on the track. under the shady trees. Several people sit under the trees, chatting. I like sitting on the bench near the pond while reading a book and enjoying the park. I commonly pay attention to the animals in the park, especially the butterflies. They are big and have colourful wings. They like flyig and perching on the flowers and rees1. when do the writer and his family usually go to the park?
2. where is the fountain?
3. what are there in the playground?
4. where do people usually go for jongging?
5. montoon some animal are there in the park?

tolong dong jawab kaka

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. In the afternoon

2. In the pond

3. There are swings, a sandbox, monkey bars, slide, and see-saw

4. Under the shady trees

5. Birds, deers, rabbits, butterflies

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Last Update: Wed, 07 Sep 22