buatlah teks tersebut menjadi dialog plissshellow everyone.my name is cynthia.i'm

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari moonbantuanya pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Buatlah teks tersebut menjadi dialog plissshellow everyone.my name is cynthia.i'm hare to talk about my neighbour.whom was also my classmate.was kind and humble.she liked wearning a silver bracelet.on her wrist.she whose hair was also short and stroight,was kind hearted.she always helped people who had a problem dina was generaous.she always helped people who had a problem.dina was generaous.she always gave some of what she had poor from her sincerely heart.
As I have told Dina was also my neighbour.Her house located next to my door was large with a beautiful garden.she and liked spending our time in the garden of which trees were shady.there were mango and palm trees.there were also some plants,like rose,jasmine,chili,and tomato plants,Dina's house of which,garage was also large enough was painted in white.the bicycle,motorcycle,and car.were put inside the garage.well.i can say that dina's house was the biggest in theneigh bourhad.​

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its tooooooooo much I can't really make it right now sorry

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Last Update: Tue, 13 Dec 22