1. Pedro has two floors, …….? Yes, he does. *a.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari zionaalzahra8 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

1. Pedro has two floors, …….? Yes, he does. *a. does he
b. doesn’t he
c. hasn’t he
d. has he

2. I think Pedro’s house is clean, ………….? *

a. isn’t it
b. is it
c. does it
d. doesn’t it

3. How many floors of Pedro’s house? *

a. There are 2 floors
b. There are 3 floors
c. There are 4 floors
d. There are no floors

4. Ana can swim privately in her house, ……? Yes, sure! *

a. can she
b. can’t she
c. does she
d. won’t she

5. From the text above, the purpose of the text is …. *

a. To entertain the reader
b. To describe characteristics of each house
c. To instruct to do something
d. To tell the information and the events​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. B. doesn't he

2. A. isn't it

3. A. There are 2 floors

4. B. can't she

5. A. To entertain the reader

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Last Update: Wed, 20 Apr 22