1.She ....... her dog everyday. a.to feed b.feed

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari zakiyatulfuadah05 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1.She ....... her dog everyday.a.to feed

2.I............. always............... to the Dentist. a.do not,go
b.does not,go
c.do not,went
d.does not,went

3.When .............. you .....................a shower? a.do,took
b.do take

4.Q:Do you like to sing?
A: ...
a.yes,I likes to sing
b.yes,I like to sing
c.yes,I am liking to sing
d.yes,I liked to sing

5.Tom and I ................ .................. together. a.do surfing
b.don’t surfing
c.do surfs
d.don’t surf

6.I ........... breakfast everyday at 7 PM. a.eat
b.to eat

7.Q:How do you go to school? A:We ............ the bus to school.

8.When do you do your homework?..................
a.I have did my homework at 6 PM
b.I did my homework at 6 PM
c.I do my homework at 6 PM
d.I am doing my homework at 6 PM

9.Do you enjoy playing in the Park?
a.No I doesn’t enjoy playing in the Park b.No,I no enjoy playing in the Park
c.No,I don’t enjoy playing in the Park d.No,I don’t enjoys playing in the Park

10.Q: Does he love his mother?
A: ..............
a.He love his mother
b.He loves his mother
c.He to love his mother
d.He is loving his mother

11. Father, mother, brother and sister are my ...
a. parents
b. children
c. family
d. grandparents

12. I have a father and mother. They are my ...
a. family
b. parents
c. childrer
d. grandparents

Text for number 13-16! I am Gina. I have a family. There are father, mother, brother, and sister. My parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bayu. My brother is Anto and my sister is Selvi.

13. Mr. Bayu is Gina's ...
a. brother
b. father
c. mother
d. sister

14. Gina's sister is ...
a. Mr. Bayu
b. Mrs. bayu
c. Selvi
d. Anto

15. Anto is Gina's ...
a. mother
b. brother
c father
d. sister

16. Mrs. Bayu is Gina's ...
a. uncle
b. aunt
c. sister
d. mother

17. She is Mrs. Eka. She is my ...
a. mother
b. father
c. grandmother
d. grandfather

18. My .... is old.
a. grandchildren
b. grandparents
c. grandfather
d. grandmother

19. My father's wife is my ...
a. cousin
b. brother
c. mother
d. aunt

20. My mother's brother is my ....
a. brother
b. father
c. uncle
d. boy​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban :

1. B. Feed

2. A. Do not, go

3. B. Do, take

4. B. Yes, I like to sing

5. D. Don't surf

6. A. Eat

7. C. Ride

8. C. I do my homework at 6 PM

9. C. No. I don't enjoy playing in the Park

10. B. He loves his mother

11. C. Family

12. B. Parents

13. B. Father

14. C. Selvi

15. B. Brother

16. D. Mother

17. A. Mother

18. B. Grandparents

19. C. Mother

20. C. Uncle

Semoga membantu :)

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Last Update: Sat, 28 Jan 23