Practice 5 Draw a circle around the correct past tense verb

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Rullulum pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Practice 5Draw a circle around the correct past tense verb in each sentence below.

1. The book (cost/costs) Rp56,000.

2. 1 (listen/listened) to the music and (sings/ sang) the lyrics.

3. Ms Rani (tells/told) me to open the window.

4. Dad (left/leaves) home at six in the morning.

5. My sister (bought/buys) me some food from Japan.

6. We (had/has) a great vacation in Aceh.

7. Yohanes (drives/drove) his father's car.

8. Anna (lets/let) the guests in.

9. Last night I (see/saw) something outside the window.

10. My little brother (got/gets) a fever, but still (went/goes) to school.

Buatlah kalimat diatas menjadi kalimat positif, kalimat negatif, dan kalimat Introgatif...


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.The Book (Costs) Rp56,000

2. 1 (listened) to the music and ( sang) the lyrics

3. Ms Rani (told) me to open the window

4. Dad (left) home at six in the morning

5. My sister (bought) me some food from Japan

6. We (had) a great vacation in Aceh

7. Yohanes (drove) his father's car

8. Anna (lets) the guests in

9. Last night I (saw) something outside the window

10. My little brother (got) a fever, but still (went) to school.


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Last Update: Sat, 09 Jul 22