1. Long time ago, people ... read by candle light.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari graciia10 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

1. Long time ago, people ... read by candle light. Now, people read by electric light.a. use to
b. used
c. used to
d. use
2. How ... this family use to live? They used to live in a house.
a. did
b. do
c. does
d. be
3. When I was seven, I used to ... my bike to school.
a. didn't ride
b. did ride
c. rode
d. ride

4. Why ... people ... (grow) their own food?

5. ( Soal lihat digambar )

6. Before the invention of the plane, people ... (not / travel) by air.

7. Write your own answer. Do you use a lot of electricity in your home? How can you use less?

8. How do you use hula hoops? Write down your instructions!

9. A ... is useful for a toy.
a. battery
b. batteries
c. wheel
d. wheels

Bantu jawab pliss mau dikumpul hari ini ​
1. Long time ago, people ... read by candle light. Now, people read by electric light.a. use tob. usedc. used tod. use2. How ... this family use to live? They used to live in a house. a. didb. doc. doesd. be3. When I was seven, I used to ... my bike to school. a. didn't rideb. did ridec. roded. ride4. Why ... people ... (grow) their own food?5. ( Soal lihat digambar )6. Before the invention of the plane, people ... (not / travel) by air.7. Write your own answer. Do you use a lot of electricity in your home? How can you use less? 8. How do you use hula hoops? Write down your instructions!9. A ... is useful for a toy. a. batteryb. batteriesc. wheeld. wheelsBantu jawab pliss mau dikumpul hari ini ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban: 1. B. Used to

2. C. Does

3. D. Ride

4. Why do people grow their own food?

5. A. Imagination

6. Didn't atau did not

7. Your own answer artinya jawabanmu sendiri

8. *your* instructions

9. A. Battery

Penjelasan: maaf kalo salah

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Last Update: Mon, 23 May 22