English Exercises 1. They... a beautiful house near the beach.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nainggolan489 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

English Exercises 1. They... a beautiful house near the beach. He is.. boy. He is my brother. 2. 3. Mr. Jhon is my uncle. He is astronaut. 4. He is my brother. He... a racing bike. 5. Mrs. Andrew... a Chinese food restaurant. 6. Dewa... have a green ball. 7. she have many good friends? 8. Fahrend a blue jacket. 9. I... a nice pak hat. 10. you have a computer? 11. I... eat fried rice. 12. Will he drink milk? 13. they have a birthday party tomorrow night? 14. In English of pinggir jalan' is... 15. There... five pencil in the pencil case. 16. There... a bicycle in the garage. 17. The yard is... the school. 18. First month of the year is ... 19. Last month of the year is... 20. In English of undangan' is... 21. In Indonesia of ketiga' is... 22. My hobby is playing ball, I need a ... for playing it. 23. I am very..., So I buy a rice box in the restaurant. 24. An orange contains... 25. A glass of milk contains... 26. A fish contains... 27 The is the school vard in front of tolong dijawab ya besok dikumpul​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Soal Yang bisa aku jawab:

1. They... a beautiful house near the beach.
2.He is.. boy. He is my brother.

3. He is my brother. He... a racing bike
4. Mrs. Andrew... a Chinese food restaurant.

5. I... a nice pak hat

6.you have a computer?

7. I... eat fried rice.

8.In English of pinggir jalan' is...
9.There... five pencil in the pencil case.

10. In English of undangan' is...

11.My hobby is playing ball, I need a ... for playing it


2.he is a boy

6.yes I have a computer
8.side of the road



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Last Update: Fri, 02 Sep 22