1. Is it important to protect historical places in your

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Jovce pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

1. Is it important to protect historical places in your country? Why?2. What do you think we can learn from people who lived in ancient times?
3. Which place are of historical interest in Balikpapan?
Tolong bantu no ngasal!

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.The benefits of historical heritage include:

Increase the wealth and cultural repertoire of the nation

Increase state income through tourism activities

As tangible evidence of historical events that can be observed today

Can add insight and knowledge

Very helpful in the field of education and science

Can strengthen the sense of nationality

Can strengthen a sense of unity Preservation of historical heritage is an important way for humans to convey understanding of the past to future generations.

Quoted from Kiddle, historical relics are physical or intangible objects of a group or society.

Historical relics are inherited from past generations, preserved today and passed on for the benefit of future generations. Historical relics in the form of tangible objects include statues, forts, tombs, monuments, temples, inscriptions, sites and others that are considered worthy to be preserved for the sake of the future. front.

2.Understanding about the history of life, such as being aware of where we come from so that we can respect traditions.

To survive, humans need effort. As in the pre-literacy era. They survive not only by staying silent but also doing business such as hunting, looking for tubers, farming, raising livestock to trading,

Always evolving, pre-literate human thought patterns are always developing to bring prosperity to life. And this pattern of thinking is still used in modern life, for example, regarding housing, agriculture, animal husbandry and trust issues.

By studying pre-literate life not only about success but also about failure, we can know the limits of what can be done and what cannot be done.

Objects such as small pieces of cultural art are usually collected in museums and art galleries.

3.Australian Monument - Dokpri.

Mulawarman Military Command Museum - dokpri.

Matilda Well - Dokpri.

Events Memorial - Dokpri.

World War II Cannon - dokpri

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Last Update: Tue, 15 Nov 22