Put the verbs in the present perfect or the past

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rebeccago pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Put the verbs in the present perfect or the past simple.'Here is the Six o'clock News from ITC, on Monday the 25th of April.
telephoned (telephone) us ten minutes ago and (2)
Our reporter in Nepal (1)
that Junko Shimoto and her partner, Miki Sato, are on top of the world today. They
(reach) the top of Mount Everest half an hour ago. Our reporter spoke to
another climber on the expedition.
REPORTER: Are Junko and Miki still on the top of Mount Everest?
No, they (4)
How long (5)
About ten minutes. They (6).
Are they in good health?
Well, they're both tired, but they're fine.
said (say)
The President of Volponia, Madame Fernoff, (7).
Madame Fernoff (8)
(just start) their return journey.
(spend) up there?
(take) some photos of each other.
(arrive) in Britain last night.
.(be) President since 2001. She said she was happy to be in
At yesterday's meeting of European finance ministers, Jack Delaney, the Irish Finance Minister,
(say), 'I am going to leave my job soon. I (10).
(work) very
hard, and I want to spend more time with my family.' Mr Delaney (11)
Irish Finance Minister for five years.

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Last Update: Sun, 11 Jun 23