Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rhiyuseptiandwi pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb in Simple Past Tense! ( Ubah dari Verb 1 ke Verb 2)1.Tom ...(clean) this room before his parents comes.
2.We...(invite) to Grandma house last week.
3.She...(bring) her guitar to school. 4.They ...(eat) together last night.
5.You and me...(are) very happy
6.We ...(listen) tradisional music yesterday 7.They...( Climb) the tree.
8.My uncle...( Come) two days ago
9....(do) you enjoy your trip, Danu?
10.I...( See) him last night.
11.Betty...(is) very sad.
12.The bird...(fly) high.
13.The students...(to write) their experience well.
14.I...(go) to the beach last holiday.
15.Mr Herman ...(read) clearly.
16.She...(give) me this last week.
17.They...(do not) study English yesterday morning.
18.He...(throw) key at the sea. 20.We...(swim) at the beach just now 21.Yesterday,We ...(find) our cat.

Jawab pliss
lumayan 30 poin​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.Tom cleaned (clean) this room before his parents comes.

2.We invited (invite) to Grandma house last week.

3.She brought (bring) her guitar to school.

4.They ate (eat) together last night.

5.You and me were (are) very happy

6.We listened (listen) tradisional music yesterday

7.They climbed (Climb) the tree.

8.My uncle came (Come) two days ago

9. did (do) you enjoy your trip, Danu?

10.I saw( See) him last night.

11.Betty was (is) very sad.

12.The bird flew (fly) high.

13.The students to wrote (to write) their experience well.

14.I went (go) to the beach last holiday.

15.Mr Herman read (read) clearly.

16.She gave (give) me this last week.

17.They did not(do not) study English yesterday morning.

18.He threw (throw) key at the sea.

19.We swam (swim) at the beach just now

20.Yesterday,We found (find) our cat.


nomor 15 verb ke dua tetap read tapi ngomong nya kayak red

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Last Update: Thu, 05 May 22