1. Arrange these words into a good sentence! a-has-toolache -

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nur211741 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

1. Arrange these words into a good sentence! a-has-toolache - Diva - wil! - Answer......... to-go-she-dentist - the 2. Write into English! Susu adalah minuman sehat. Answer:... 3. Why do not we eat candy too much? Answer:....... 4. What is a crutch? Answer:..... 5. When a baby gets a fever, where does his/her mother bring him/her? Answer:.....​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


2.Milk is a healty drink.

3.Because eat too much candies can cause a toothache.

4.Crutches are walking aids in the form of a stick with a tool handle in the middle so that it can be used as a handle, how to use the tool by clamping it in the armpit. This tool is needed for those who have broken legs or people with disabilities that make it difficult to walk.

5.Bring him/her to the hospital.

Penjelasan:Maaf cm bs jwb soal nomer 2-5 karena aku ga ngerti soal nomer 1:-)

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Last Update: Sun, 23 Apr 23