Task 1 Fill in the blank with the right tense.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari khavifawulandari910 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Task 1 Fill in the blank with the right tense. (Isilah titik-titik dengan tense yang benar.) 1. In the 6th Century AD a baby called Arthur was born in Tintagel, a town in Cornwall, Britain. His father was called Uther, the King of Britain. Merlin a. (be) Uthur's counsellor. He b. (be) also a magician. Merlin c. it is too dangerous." King Uther d. Arthur e. (grow) up with them. (die) and there b. (say), "You can't keep Arthur at court, (send) Arthur to a friend, Sir Antor and his wife. 2. King Uther a. (be) no one to become king. Merlin c. (speak) to the Archbishop of Canterbury. They agree to find a new king among the knights of Britain. On Christmas day there d. (be) a big stone with a beautiful sword in front (be) words on the stone. of the church. There e.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. In the 6th Century AD a baby called Arthur was born in Tintagel, a town in Cornwall, Britain. His father was called Uther, the King of Britain. Merlin was Uthur's counsellor. He was also a magician. Merlin said it was too dangerous." King Uther died and there was said, "You can't keep Arthur at court, so Arthur was sent to a friend, Sir Antor and his wife.

2. King Uther had no one to become king. Merlin spoke to the Archbishop of Canterbury. They agreed to find a new king among the knights of Britain. On Christmas day there was a big stone with a beautiful sword in front of the church. There were words on the stone.

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Last Update: Tue, 09 May 23