Mandiri Observe the picture and complete the sentence with the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari debioktaviani99 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Mandiri Observe the picture and complete the sentence with the correct preposition of place! 2008 AVO Ayo 866 The fridge is ... the shelf. 6. The teapot is ... the shelf. 7. The cooker hood is ... the stove. 8. The chair is ... the table and the trash bin. 9. The trash is... the trash bin. 10. The chairs are ... the table. The table is ... the fridge. The fridge is ... the door. The fridge is ... the table. This is the picture of things... home. ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The fridge is under the shelf

2. The teapot is onthe shelf

3. The cooker hood is above the stove

4. The chair is next to or between the table and the trash bin

5. The trash is inside or in the trash bin

6. The chairs are beside or next to the table ?

7. The table is ??? (I'm sorry I can't answer this because there's no photo of the dining room)

8-10. The same as number 7)


On -> Di atas

In + inside -> Di dalam

Above -> Di atas kepala e.g: The plane is above the bridge

Beside + next to -> Di samping

Under -> Di bawah e.g: The boy is hiding under the table

Between -> Di antara e.g: She sits next to Joni and Doni

In front of -> Di depan e.g: I'm in front of your house

Behind -> Di belakang e.g: Look out! The killer is behind you!

At -> Di (Mengacu pada objek atau orang yang ada di suatu tempat atau waktu)

e.g: He is working at 7.30 (Half past seven)

: I forgot my book! It is still at school.

I'm really sorry if I'm wrong. Let me know if you don't understand. Maybe I can try to help you. Thank you very much and I hope you understand :D

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Last Update: Tue, 21 Feb 23