Mutual Cooperation On Sunday, Edo participated in the comunity clean

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Fatmawatihakim pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Mutual Cooperation On Sunday, Edo participated in the comunity clean up activity in his neighborhood. The activity is held in order to clean the rubbish tha accumulated in his residence environment. The rubbish poluted the air because of its smell. Before conducting the activity, the resident held a discussion to find out the solution of the rubbish matter The decided to provide two kinds of dustbins for the organic and anorgan waste. The organic dustbin is for any waste come from biological origin such as leaves, banana peels, food remains, etc. The residents would make compost from the organic waste While the inorgnic waste is from non living waste such as cans, glass, plastic bottles, etc. They would recycle these kinds of waste. This clean-up activity is one of the community service held as the responsibility to maintain the environment.soal
1.When is clean up activity done ?
2.Where is the activity held ?
3.Why the residents hold the activity ?
4.What are the result of the discussion?
5.Mention the organic and inorganic waste ?


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. the activity done on Sunday

2. the activity is held in order to clean the rubbish that accumulated in his residence environment.

3. because the rubbish poluted the air because of its smell.

4. there will be 2 kind of dustbins for the organic and anorgan waste, the residence would make compost from the organic waste, and they would recycle the anorgan waste.

5. The organic waste are leaves, banana peels, food remains, etc. the inorgnic waste is from non living waste such as cans, glass, plastic bottles, etc.


maaf kalau salah, semoga membantu ^^

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Last Update: Fri, 06 Jan 23