Presentasi Bahasa Inggris minimal 4 menit tentang gitar

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Presentasi Bahasa Inggris minimal 4 menit tentang gitar

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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before that we have to introduce ourselves first

Good morning my teacher and my friend,today i want to presentasi about "Guitar"


in indonesian guitar is "gitar"

The guitar is a stringed instrument that is played by picking, generally using fingers or a plectrum. The guitar is formed from a main body part with a solid neck where the strings, which are generally six in number, are attached.

categorized as a guitar. The modern guitar may have its roots in the Spanish guitar, but the various types of guitars such as the instruments that we can see painted in Medieval and Renaissance times are widely available throughout Europe.

The authenticity of the guitar cannot be seen from its antiquity. Some experts feel the tool originated on the continent of Africa, where many modern replicas are in the form of round, shell-like boxes with Gut/silk threads, in many parts of the continent. Other experts find this tool in the form of glass in old stone reliefs reliefs at the time of Central Asia and Ancient Asia. Another food for thought also arose with the discovery of ancient Greek vase patterned vase. Greek Strings is probably the first instrument that is categorized as a guitar. The modern guitar may have its roots in the Spanish guitar, but the various types of guitars such as the instruments that we can see painted in Medieval and Renaissance times are widely available throughout Europe.


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Last Update: Mon, 20 Feb 23