Visiting an Old Age HomeLast Sunday my class visited an

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Visiting an Old Age HomeLast Sunday my class visited an Old Age Home in my city. There were twenty five of us, including Mr. Stewart, my teacher. We brought with us a keyboard and a guitar. We also brought some snacks specially made for the old people, and we had little gifts for them too. We arrived at about seven in the

morning. Mrs. Anisa, the chief of this Home, led us to the hall. We blew up some balloons to decorate the hall. We also cut out chart papers, wrote quotes, and stuck pictures on the wall. We arranged the seats and the tables. We put the snacks and drinks on the tables. Then, we told Mrs. Anisa that we were ready.

Then came in all the grey haired sweethearts, some alone, some couples, some groups. They then sat in the seats. Mrs. Anisa opened the session by giving a short speech introducing us. Then, Firman represented us in giving the speech. He told them that we came to have fun with them and to make that day a little more special.

After the speeches were over, Mr. Stewart started to play the keyboard and Lia sang an old song. Some of us sang other old songs after that. Even, some grannies stood up and sang their favourite songs. Some even danced! Then, it was time for the gifts and more fun activities. We came to the grannies and handed them our gifts. After that we talked and did activities that they liked. Some of us played chess with the grandpas. Hendrik, who was good at drawing, tried to draw two grandmas. Others were playing guitars and sang songs. I talked to a grandma.

She told me that I resembled her grandchild. We finished our visit at 12 and went home with a sweet memory feeling our heart.

Tolong ya kaka, dikumpul hari ini. makasiii​
Visiting an Old Age HomeLast Sunday my class visited an Old Age Home in my city. There were twenty five of us, including Mr. Stewart, my teacher. We brought with us a keyboard and a guitar. We also brought some snacks specially made for the old people, and we had little gifts for them too. We arrived at about seven in themorning. Mrs. Anisa, the chief of this Home, led us to the hall. We blew up some balloons to decorate the hall. We also cut out chart papers, wrote quotes, and stuck pictures on the wall. We arranged the seats and the tables. We put the snacks and drinks on the tables. Then, we told Mrs. Anisa that we were ready.Then came in all the grey haired sweethearts, some alone, some couples, some groups. They then sat in the seats. Mrs. Anisa opened the session by giving a short speech introducing us. Then, Firman represented us in giving the speech. He told them that we came to have fun with them and to make that day a little more special.After the speeches were over, Mr. Stewart started to play the keyboard and Lia sang an old song. Some of us sang other old songs after that. Even, some grannies stood up and sang their favourite songs. Some even danced! Then, it was time for the gifts and more fun activities. We came to the grannies and handed them our gifts. After that we talked and did activities that they liked. Some of us played chess with the grandpas. Hendrik, who was good at drawing, tried to draw two grandmas. Others were playing guitars and sang songs. I talked to a grandma.She told me that I resembled her grandchild. We finished our visit at 12 and went home with a sweet memory feeling our heart.Tolong ya kaka, dikumpul hari ini. makasiii​

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1. T (true)

2. T (true)

3. T (true)

4. F (false)

5. F (false)

6. T (true)

7. F (false)

8. T (true)

9. T (true)

10. F (false)

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Last Update: Sun, 14 May 23