d. Complete the sentences based on the picture below! Drug

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sahlahnajiah pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

d. Complete the sentences based on the picture below! Drug Facts Active Ingredient (in each tablet) Tuis Diel poter 1000 Upra indstical, ara la ſelesing conditions negli embala ● Hiped lyngper ApentruDED Warnings Do not use if you here stomach problema sook Immuno cyslom Barlina poor appelta it pregnant or breastfeeding jack a health volessional bolon jien. Directions elds ad difren 12 pare and call chadren under 12 years Purpose lever reducer labe 2-1 Tablets per day asta drobir Other Information keep in a dry place Inactive ingredients annkey lule luoyunlı, amalnihm ja hig), musulypheje (ground beetle doy set, pbsdum filate, hiplarum, colled, toon, Exton, Man kmu MtMEDIDA ED 3) Juli: It's a drug label. 4) Sita : Is it from the doctor's prescriptions? 5) Juli : No, I bought if in the drugstore 6) Sita: What do you want to know? 7) Juli : What is the drug for? 8) Sita : It is for reducing fever 10021 Image 1) Juli: Sita, can you please read this label, I lost my glasses, 2) Sita : Sure, what is it?​

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Last Update: Thu, 03 Aug 23