4. Are - working - Company - you - still

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari wildanindri9 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

4. Are - working - Company - you - still - atAng Ribut? 5. Who - is - is - my father-in that room -The man - reading. 2. is not-but-he-is-you- Your father - punishing-educating - you. Your Father.... 3. 4re - for - What - you - waiting ) 1. You - Fistening - you - dont - un * derstand - it - are not - to me - so that. 2. is not -but- he -is -you -waitingp \: \: su \: \: \: garapno

4. Are - working - Company - you - still - atAng Ribut? 5. Who - is - is - my father-in that room -The man - reading. 2. is not-but-he-is-you- Your father - punishing-educating - you. Your Father.... 3. 4re - for - What - you - waiting ) 1. You - Fistening - you - dont - un * derstand - it - are not - to me - so that. 2. is not -but- he -is -you -waiting[tex]p \: \: su \: \: \: garapno[/tex]​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. You are not listening to me so that you don't understand it.

2. Your father is not punishing you but he is educating you.

3.What are you waiting for?

4. Are you still working at Angin Ribut Company?

5. The man who is reading in that room is my father.


Maaf kalau salah

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Last Update: Mon, 03 Jul 23