love.. Spelled in Poetry Mask - A mask is an

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mariskaamariska01 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Love.. Spelled in Poetry Mask - A mask is an art object normally worn on the face, typically for performance, or entertainment A: what do you think of mask B: I think it is an art object normally worn on the face, typically for performance, or entertainment Bracelet - a chain or band, usually made of metal, which you wear around your wrist as jewelry. A: what do you think of. Bracelet B: I think it is a Poetry - an art of literature that can describe something very beautiful A:. B: Sculpture a piece of art that's made by shaping or carving something. A: what do you think of sculpture? B: I think ewer - an object used for home decoration A: B: Painting-an art of creating pictures using colors, tones, shapes, lines, and textures A:.... B:....Tolong kak​
love.. Spelled in Poetry Mask - A mask is an art object normally worn on the face, typically for performance, or entertainment A: what do you think of mask B: I think it is an art object normally worn on the face, typically for performance, or entertainment Bracelet - a chain or band, usually made of metal, which you wear around your wrist as jewelry. A: what do you think of. Bracelet B: I think it is a Poetry - an art of literature that can describe something very beautiful A:. B: Sculpture a piece of art that's made by shaping or carving something. A: what do you think of sculpture? B: I think ewer - an object used for home decoration A: B: Painting-an art of creating pictures using colors, tones, shapes, lines, and textures A:.... B:....Tolong kak​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


2:A:what do you think of bracelet?

B: a chain or a band,usually made of metal which you wear around your wist as a jewelry

3:A:what do you think of poetry

B:i think it is an art of literature that can describe something very beautiful

4:A:what do you think of sculpture

B: i think it is a piece of art that made by shaping or carving something.

5:A:what do you think of ewer

B:i think it is an object used for home decorations

6:A:what do you think of painting

B:i think it is an art of creating pictures using color,tones,shapes,lines,and textures


Btw maaf klo salah aku masih 5 sd jdi maaf klo salah

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Last Update: Mon, 07 Aug 23