OF Read aloud the short paragraph below July 1, This

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ghozimaulana2011 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

OF Read aloud the short paragraph below July 1, This is Agnes Monica, She was born on 1986 in Jakarta. She is 36 years old row. She is one Indonesian's most famous Singer and actresses. as a kid singer and presenter. She began her career. It is because she is smart and She has many fans. Long Face, fair skin beautiful. She has small eyes, colourful and long hair and pointed/Sharp nose. a Answer these questions below! 1. When was Aques monica born? 2. How old she is now? 3. What does she do? 4. Why she does many 5 Describe her appearance? Fans?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Agnes Monica was born in 1986 in Jakarta.

2. Agnes Monica is 36 years old now.

3. Agnes Monica is one of Indonesia's most famous singer and actresses.

5. Agnes Monica is described as having long face, fair skin, and beautiful. She also has small eyes, colourful, long hair and sharp nose.

(Nomor 4 kurang jelas, jadi di-skip)

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Last Update: Tue, 18 Apr 23