10 example of simple present and present continuous (using time

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Kyuuzya pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

10 example of simple present and present continuous (using time signal)tolong no asalasal asal?


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Simple Present:

1. I always eat breakfast at 7am.

(time signal: at 7am)

2. He studies every night before bed.

(time signal: every night)

3. They play soccer on weekends.

(time signal: on weekends)

4. The train leaves at 5pm.

(time signal: at 5pm)

5. She works as a teacher.

(no time signal)

6. We go to the gym three times a week.

(time signal: three times a week)

7. The store closes at 9pm.

(time signal: at 9pm)

8. I read a book before going to sleep.

(time signal: before going to sleep)

9. He takes the bus to work every morning.

(time signal: every morning)

10. They visit their grandparents once a month.

(time signal: once a month)

Present Continuous:

1. I am eating breakfast at the moment.

(time signal: at the moment)

2. He is studying for his exams right now.

(time signal: right now)

3. They are playing soccer on the field.

(time signal: on the field)

4. The train is leaving in 5 minutes.

(time signal: in 5 minutes)

5. She is working on her lesson plan.

(time signal: on her lesson plan)

6. We are going to the gym later this afternoon.

(time signal: later this afternoon)

7. The store is closing in an hour.

(time signal: in an hour)

8. I am reading a book currently.

(time signal: currently)

9. He is taking the bus to work this morning

(time signal: this morning)

10. They are visiting their grandparents this weekend.

(time signal: this weekend)

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Last Update: Wed, 12 Apr 23