Task 2Practise the dialog below!Praktikkan dialog di bawah ini!!Vivin "Do

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dewidela88 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Task 2Practise the dialog below!
Praktikkan dialog di bawah ini!!
Vivin "Do you like a pet?"
Salsa "Yes, I do. I like all kinds of pets."
Vivin "What pets do you have ?
Salsa "I have rabbits and goats."
Vivin "What do they eat?"
Salsa: "My rabbits usually eat carrots and the goats eat grass."
Vivin "When do you feed them?"
Salsa: 'I feed them in the morning and afternoon."
Answer the questions based on the dialogue in task 1 and 2!
1. What kinds of pet does Bimo have? He has
2 Does Akbar have a parrot?
3. Does Salsa like all kinds of pets?
4. What pets does Salsa have?
5. How often does Salsa feed her pets?​
Task 2Practise the dialog below!Praktikkan dialog di bawah ini!!Vivin

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.He has a bird

2.No,he does not

3.yes,she does like all kinds of pets

4.Salsa have rabbits and goats

5.She feeds her pets in the morning and afternoon

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Last Update: Tue, 11 May 21