How many things do you throw away everyday? You willprobably

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ilhamawa025 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

How many things do you throw away everyday? You willprobably throw away more than 500 kg of trash
this year! Have you ever paid attention to what
kinds of things you throw out?
Now, multiply 500 times the number of
members in your family, the kids in your
school, or the people in your community
How much trash does that add up to? Quites
we make tod
much of it, and we're running out of ways to get rid of le Too much garbage
can harm the environment by cluttering it up. We need to cut down on the
amount of stuff we throw away, so we don't burden our environment
You can reduce garbage by reusing some of the items you usually throw
Paper and plastic bags can be saved and used over again. The same goe
for glass and plastic bottles, Jars, and containers
One of the most important ways to reduce garbage is to recycle it or make it
into new products About 80 percent of what you throw away at home can be
recycled Glass, plastic, aluminum, and tin are all recyclable. Paper is also
recyclable, it can be remade into new, clean paper. If you recycle, you will
have less trash to throw away
Let's save our environment for now and forever.
What is recycling? Why should we recycle?
1. What is becoming a real problem?
2. Why has it become a real problem?
3. How can we reduce the amount of
stuff that we throw away?
4. What is recyling? OCY
6. Name the products that cannot be


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban: 1. garbage

2. because we're running out of ways to get rid of the Too much garbage

3. You can reduce garbage by reusing some of the items you usually throw out

4. Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects

6???. Electronic Items, clothing ect


sori kalo salah wkw

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Last Update: Mon, 26 Jul 21