bahasa inggris 100/2 poin.lanjutan task 3 nomer 6-15! 6. I

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Amelia49911 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Bahasa inggris 100/2 poin.lanjutan task 3 nomer 6-15!

6. I (like) ........ chocolate
7. He (drive) ........ a nice car.
8. We (want) ......... to see a movie tonight. 9. Mr. Anderson (teach) ....... chemistry at Hill Hight School.
10. They (study) .......... English at school. 11. I (want) ........... to go home now.
12. Bill and Cacilia (drive) ........... to the mountains every year.
13. We (eat) ............. pasta once a week. 14. It (snow) .......... here in December. 15. When Dax (take) .......... a shower, he (wash) ........... his hair with shampoo.

mksh byk udh bantuin!!​
bahasa inggris 100/2 poin.lanjutan task 3 nomer 6-15! 6. I (like) ........ chocolate 7. He (drive) ........ a nice car. 8. We (want) ......... to see a movie tonight. 9. Mr. Anderson (teach) ....... chemistry at Hill Hight School. 10. They (study) .......... English at school. 11. I (want) ........... to go home now. 12. Bill and Cacilia (drive) ........... to the mountains every year. 13. We (eat) ............. pasta once a week. 14. It (snow) .......... here in December. 15. When Dax (take) .......... a shower, he (wash) ........... his hair with shampoo.mksh byk udh bantuin!!​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Complete the questions with doordoes!

  1. Does she take her dog for a walk in the morning?
  2. Does your friend Paul work in the shop over there?
  3. Do they know the answers to the exam?
  4. Do your parents know that you smoke?
  5. Does Bill teach Math?
  6. Where does your sister live?
  7. What time do the lessons finish?
  8. Do you go to the coast in summer?
  9. Does it rain very often in Ireland?
  10. Why do they ask so many questions in class?


Fill the blanks with the correct form of the verb in simple present tense!

  1. I am sixteen years old.
  2. Tommy lives at 107 Pine Lane.
  3. Juana cooks a dinner for her family.
  4. They eat lunch at 12:00.
  5. Nina takes medicine when she is sick Task 3
  6. I like chocolate.
  7. He drives a nice car.
  8. We want to see a movie tonight.
  9. Mr. Anderson teaches chemistry at Hill Hight School.
  10. They study English at school.
  11. I want to go home now.
  12. Bill and Cacilia drive to the mountains every year.
  13. We eat pasta once a week.
  14. It snows here in December.
  15. When Dax is taking a shower, he washes his hair with shampoo.


Present Tense adalah bentuk kata kerja dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan Kegiatan yg dilakukan secara berulang, rutin, kebiasaan dan hal2 bersifat umum/fakta.

Rumus Present Tense ada dua, yaitu:

Verbal Sentence

  • (+) S + V1 (-s/es) + O/C
  • (-) S + do/does + not + V1 + O/C
  • (?) do/does + S + V1 + O/C?

Jika Subjek ➡ She, he, it, satu nama

  • kalimat positive menggunakan Verb+s/es
  • kalimat negative dan interrogative menggunakan does

Jika Subjek ➡ I, you, we, they, dua nama

  • kalimat positive menyatakan Verb1 tanpa tambahan -s/es
  • kalimat negative dan interrogative menggunakan do

Nominal Sentence

  • (+) S + Be (is/am/are) + O/C
  • (-) S + Be (is/am/are) + not + O/C
  • (?) Be (is/am/are) + S + O/C?

➡ Subject + Be

  • I + am
  • He, She, it + is
  • You, we, they + are


Present Tense


Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Present Tense

Level: JHS

Kode soal: 5

Kode Kategorisasi; 7.5

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Last Update: Wed, 27 Apr 22