terjemahkan ke dalam b.indonesia1.Where were they last sunday?2.How far is

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nabil88889999 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Terjemahkan ke dalam b.indonesia1.Where were they last sunday?

2.How far is the traditional market?

3.How did they go there?

4.where did they buy bananas?

5.Did they buy beef?

6.How much sugar did they buy?

7.How much milk did they buy?

8.How much detergent did they buy?

9.Why didn't they buy soap?

10.what is the antonym of the word "far"?

jawablah petanyaan b.inggris di bawah ini

1.what is the antonym of the word "far"?

kerjakan lah soal di bawah ini

Arrange these words ti make a good setence

1.traditional - Mrs.Hartanto - cook - many - foods - kinds - can - of

2.buy- we - in - butcher - the -meat

3.prefers milkshake - nadia - tea - to

4.like - a - soap - I - eat - to - of - bowl

5.at - needs - mall - my mother - buys - daily - the

tolong di jawab semua

kelas 6
mapel b.inggris

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia

1.Where were they last sunday?

Di mana mereka hari Minggu lalu?

2.How far is the traditional market?

Seberapa jauh pasar tradisional?

3.How did they go there?

Bagaimana mereka pergi ke sana?

4.where did they buy bananas?

Di mana mereka membeli pisang?

5.Did they buy beef?

Apakah mereka membeli daging sapi?

6.How much sugar did they buy?

Berapa banyak gula yang mereka beli?

7.How much milk did they buy?

Berapa banyak susu yang mereka beli?

8.How much detergent did they buy?

Berapa banyak deterjen yang mereka beli?

9.Why didn't they buy soap?

Mengapa mereka tidak membeli sabun?

10.what is the antonym of the word "far"?

Apa antonim dari kata "jauh"?

jawablah petanyaan b.inggris di bawah ini

1.what is the antonym of the word "far"?


kerjakan lah soal di bawah ini

Arrange these words ti make a good setence

1.traditional - Mrs.Hartanto - cook - many - foods - kinds - can - of

Answer:Mrs.Hartanto can cook many kind of traditional food

2.buy- we - in - butcher - the -meat

Answer:We buy meat in the butcher

3.prefers milkshake - nadia - tea - to

Answer: Nadia prefers milkshake to tea

4.like - a - soap - I - eat - to - of - bowl

Answer:I like to eat a soap of bowl

5.at - needs - mall - my mother - buys - daily - the

Answer:My Mother buys daily needs at the mall

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Last Update: Wed, 18 May 22