Mamat and minah will get marry after idul fitri holiday.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari lutfhirahmasadiah pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Mamat and minah will get marry after idul fitri holiday. They will use betawi traditional wedding culture. As a bride, mamat will do some steps of Palang Pintu attraction to get woman he loves. The steps of Palang Pintu attraction in Betawi traditional wedding culture are ….A. To demonstrate silat movement, hurl rhyme, reciprocating rhymes, the groom’s entourage can enter the bride’s home area to continue the wedding procession

B. The groom’s entourage can enter the bride’s home area to continue the wedding procession, reciprocating rhymes, hurl rhyme, to demonstrate silat movement.

C. Hurl rhymes, reciprocating rhymes, the groom’s entourage can enter the bride’s home area to continue the wedding procession, to demonstrate silat movement

D. Reciprocating rhymes, hurl rhymes, to demonstrate silat movement, the groom’s entourage can enter the bride’s home area to continue the wedding procession

plisss bantu akuuuu​

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i think the answer is A..

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Last Update: Fri, 02 Jul 21