Join the two sentences, using the word in brackets.Halima is

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari vita465 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Join the two sentences, using the word in brackets.Halima is helpful. Halima is kind. (and)

Halima is helpful and kind.

1. I was happy. She was sad. (but)
2. We might go. We are free. (if)

3. Dewi did not come. Her sister did not come. (neither) 4. She took home the book. She wanted to read it. (because)

5. He passed the test. He did not study. (although) 6. She was not feeling well. The teacher sent her home. (so)

7. I bought her a dress. I bought her a pair of shoes. (and) 8. My mother does all the work. She never complains. (yet)

9. We decided to go back. The shop was closed. (since) 10. I hope. You will forgive me. (that)

11. We elected two people. Adnan and Kalima were the ones. (namely) 12. I am not interested. I do not have any money. (moreover)

13. Please hurry up. We might miss the train. (otherwise)

14. He will not be free. His brother will not be free. (Neither..... nor)

15. They closed the windows. The rain was coming in. (because)

tolong bantu ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. I was happy but she was sad
  2. We might go if free
  3. Dewi didn't come neither did her sister
  4. she took home the book because she wanted to read it
  5. He passed the test although he didn't study
  6. she was not feeling well so the teacher sent her home
  7. I bought her a dress and a pair of shoes
  8. my mother does all the work yet she never complains
  9. we decided to go back since the shop was closed
  10. I hope that you will forgive me
  11. we elected two people namely Adnan and Kalima
  12. I am not interested moreover I don't have any money
  13. Please hurry up otherwise we might miss the train
  14. Neither he will not be free nor his brother
  15. they closed the windows because the rain was coming in

Jadikan jawaban terbaikmu

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh natalia22611 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Mon, 30 May 22