I’m Mehmet and I’m from Turkey. Turkish food is delicious

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari filzashibghotilla pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

I’m Mehmet and I’m from Turkey. Turkish food is delicious and it’s healthy, too. We eat a lot of fresh vegetables like peppers, onions, and aubergines. We also eat a lot of meat, lentils, beans, yoghurt, and nuts. In the summer, the weather is so hot, so we often eat light meals with lots of vegetables and fruits. My favorite dish is kebab. It’s a traditional Turkish dish, and it’s traditional in lots of other countries, too. You can have doner kebabs or shish kebabs. A doner kebab is meat cooked in a large block. You cut small pieces of meat from the block and put it in a piece of flat bread called a pita. A shish kebab is pieces of meat cooked on a stick. I usually put some tomatoes, onions, cucumber and yoghurt in the pita with my meat. Kebabs are very tasty! 1. Where is Mehmet from?

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Last Update: Mon, 21 Jun 21