c. Should you help med. Have you help mec. cookd

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rizalrahmat687 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

C. Should you help med. Have you help me
c. cook
d pray
26. Daughter
to do my home work?
Mother : Yes, of course.
a Can you help me
b. Must you help me
27. Let's... together in the class
a sleep
b. study
28. Which sentence based on the the picture !
a Mira is sweeping the floor
b. Mira is reading a book
c. Mira is writing lesson
d Mira is drawing the picture
29. Teacher : Dimy ... the blackboard!
Danny : Yes, sir.
a sweep
b. wash
c. clean
d. put
30. Arrange sentence bellow into a good paragraph !
1. cover one of the side with a piece of cloth
2. make a siruple duster
3. fold nail it
4. make a the wood to be raectanguler
a 2-4-3-1
c. 2-4-1-3
b. 4-3-2-1
d. 1-2-3-4
tolong jawab​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


26.a.can you help me


28.b.mira is reading a book




26.a.can you help me


28.b.mira is a reading book



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Last Update: Sun, 11 Jul 21