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Tolong buatkan Karangan berbahasa Inggris Judulnya "English"
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Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Gilang is an elementary school student who comes from remote areas in Indonesia. He lives in a very peaceful village on the tip of the island of Borneo. The life of the residents in his village is indeed very simple and far from modern.

Never mind there is a signal or internet access, access to electricity there is also very, very limited. However, the villagers there can still live happily with all these limitations. Since he was a child, Gilang had dreams of wanting to develop his village to be more advanced. At least, only by providing free and qualified access to electricity for all the people there.This dream was created when he accidentally read a newspaper in his school area.The newspaper was already very shabby, so he became even more enthusiastic about building his village.In the newspaper, it was written related to the potential of river water which could be used as a source of electricity.He finally remembered the water with a river in his village, which was very fast flowing, especially in his village there was also a waterfall.

Gilang studied very hard so that he could achieve his hope of obtaining a scholarship to continue his higher education.Since he was in high school, he went to school outside his village because he wanted to pursue his dream.It works while attending school. Until finally, he was accepted at one of the major universities in Indonesia.From there, Gilang continued to study diligently and participated in many research projects held by his lecturers.When he graduated, Gilang finally returned to the village and realized his dream of making a simple hydropower plant.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh Manusiaberkelas dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Mon, 21 Jun 21