Complete the following sentences with the suitable words!1. Many night

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rama237860 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Complete the following sentences with the suitable words!1. Many night time hunters such as
have a layer in their eyes called a
2. School rules are the ones that ensure the safety of students and staff, such as
3. Primary pollutants emitted directly into the air from car exhausts, for example
4. Smokers tend to have more health problems, such as
than non-smokers.
5. The villagers around the mountain consider animals such as
are harmful.
6. You still need three or four cups a day or the equivalent in calcium-rich dairy products like
7. Employers must provide reasonable assistance to disabled workers. For example,
8. Sociologists have played a central role in identifying explanations and discovering social
variation (e.g.
.) at the population level.
9. Everyone can make different expressions. These expressions can show emotions, such as
10. When old computers are dumped, toxic substances such as
soak into the soil and find their way into the water we drink.
can slowly soak into the soil and find their way into the water drink

minta bantuannya ya‍♀️​

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ga bisa basa inggris......

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Last Update: Mon, 05 Jul 21