The text is for questions 4 to 104. The correct

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari yufen000907 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

The text is for questions 4 to 104. The correct answer to complete the sentence is .
a. Is
b. are
ch was
d. were
One day, Shankar went fishing but was not able to catch any fish. The sun began to
set but his fishing net was empty. Shankar felt sad, “What will we eat today? Oh, I hope we
don't have to starve again."
5. The correct answer to complete the sentence is ......
b. went
c. going
d. go
a. Goes
6. The correct answer to complete the sentence is ......
a. Is
b. are
c. was
d. were
Suddenly, he felt a strong pull at his net. There .......... (4) a strange fish caught in
the net. It was the color of gold and shining like the sun. The fish began to speak, “ Please
save my life. Please throw me back into the water. I will give you three wishes in return."
Shankar put the fish back to the water. He went homeand told Lakshmi. They went
to the sea and asked the fish for their first wish.“O dear fish, I wish I had decent clothes and
ornaments!" The fish replied, “Go back. Your wish has come true.“
d. thinks
7. The correct answer to complete the sentence is
a. Thought b. thinking
c. think
8. The correct answer to complete the sentence is ......
a. Calling b. calls
c. call
d. called
Shankar and Lakshmi ....... (5) home and found that they have a lot of beautiful
clothes and jewelry. They were so happy. So, the next day they went back to the sea to ask
the fish for the second wish.
d. realizes
9. The correct answer to complete the sentence is ...
b. realizing
c. realize
“O dear fish, we need some servants to help our daily chores. Please grant me my
second wish, " said Shankar.
"Your second wish is granted. But be careful. Remember you have only one more
wish left, so make sure you do not become too greedy," said the fish.
2. The moral of the story is
Put back the fish in the water
b. Don't catch fish in the sea by fishing net
c. Never have too many servants in house.
d. Don't ever be greedy.
Shankar and Lakshmi then went back to their hut. There ........ (6) some servants
doing daily chores such as cooking, cleaning, etc. Shankar and Lakshmi felt happy and
1. Look at the following dialog.
Putri : "Mom, will you come to my farewell party this Saturday?"
One week had passed. Shankar and Lakshmi began to grumble again. There were too
many people lived in their small hut and it made them uncomfortable. They ........ (7) of
asking the fish for a bigger house.
Mrs Rika : "I'm terribly sorry, my dear. I will not be there. I have a conference
In Bandung
"o dear fish, i want you to give the third wish you promised. I and Lakshmi need a
bigger house. Can we have that now?" asked Shankar.
From the dialog, we know that
Putri's mother can't come to the farewell party
b Putri is mad at her mother
c. Putri is going to Bandung with her mother
d. Mrs. Rika will hold a farewell party for Putri
12. Look at the following dialog.
“Your wish is granted. I warn you again, greed will bring abaut your downfall and
give you nothing but unhappiness," replied the fish.
After a few weeks, the people of the village still ............ ( 8 ) them as a Fisherman
and Fisherman's wife. They felt quite humiliated. So they went to the sea to ask the fish to
make them as the King and thde Queen.
Bur the fish did not appear this time. Suddenly the sky turned dark and an angry
voice arose from the water, “Go back Shankar ! You are too greedy! You will lose
everything. But I hope you'll both learn a lesson !”
: “excuse me."
Mrs. Nora : "Yes, Helen. What can I do for you?"
: "Can I borrow a dictionary, Ma'am? I need to do my
English assignment."
Mrs. Nora "Sure. Here you are. But first you must fill in this
and show your library card."
From the conversation, we know that Mrs. Nora is a
a. Headmaster
c. Librarian
b. Teacher
d. School nurse
13. Read the following dialog
Lulu : " I didn't see you yesterday at the basketball competition.
Where were you?"
As the voice ended, Shankar and Lakshmi (9) that everything they had
disappeared. Their house, their beautiful clothes and ornaments, and their servants were all
gone. With tears in her eyes, Lakshmi told Shankar,“ We should never have been so greedy.
We should never ask for more than we have.”
From that day on, Shankar and Lakshmi became contended with whatever they had
and for the first time in their life, they became truly happy.
Dino: "I injured my right leg. So, I have to take a rest for a few days."
"Oh, really? Poor you. I hope you recover soon."​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


4. d. were

5. b. went

6. d. were

7. b. went

9. a. realized


Bawahnya Ga Jelas:v

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Last Update: Thu, 03 Jun 21