1. how many Boys are there in the classroom?2. how

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari gilangabbad2 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

1. how many Boys are there in the classroom?2. how many books are there on the floor?
3.how many girls are there in the classroom?
4. how many schoolbags are there on the floor?
5. how many pencils are there on the floor?
6.how many chairs do you see?​
1. how many Boys are there in the classroom?2. how many books are there on the floor?3.how many girls are there in the classroom?4. how many schoolbags are there on the floor?5. how many pencils are there on the floor?6.how many chairs do you see?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


B. Inggris:

1. how many Boys are there in the classroom?

Answer: There are four boys.

2. how many books are there on the floor?

Answer: there are four books.

3.how many girls are there in the classroom?

Answer: there are two daughters

4. how many schoolbags are there on the floor?

Answer: There are six children's bags

5. how many pencils are there on the floor?

Answer: there is one pencil

6.how many chairs do you see?

Answer: there are four seats

B. Indonesia:

1. Berapa banyak anak laki-laki di kelas?

Jawaban: Ada empat anak laki-laki.

2. Berapa banyak buku yang ada di lantai?

Jawab: ada 4 buku

3. Berapa banyak anak perempuan di kelas?

ada dua anak perempuan

4. Berapa banyak tas sekolah yang ada di lantai?

ada enam tas anak

5. Berapa banyak pensil yang ada di lantai?

ada satu pensil

6. Berapa banyak kursi yang kamu lihat?

ada empat kursi

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Last Update: Tue, 22 Nov 22